Davina Haisell
Davina lives and eats her business!
After years of physical discomfort and distress, Davina discovered the side effects that gluten can cause in a diet, and changed her ways.
The results were amazing. She discovered that it wasn't a subjective experience, that in fact, many people facing gluten intolerance were experiencing life-changing results when they went gluten-free.
Helping people make the diet transition and assisting retailers, restaurateurs and educators to provide product and accurate information to the public, became not only a passion but a business for Davina in 2008. Gluten free Me is poised as the frontrunner of innovative nutritional strategies that focus on the freedom of lifestyle and dietary choices rather than "sticking to" limiting dietary restrictions.
What is gluten anyway?
Gluten is the sticky protein left behind when the flour of wheat or other grains is washed with water; specifically the class of proteins in wheat, rye, spelt, kamut and barley that are toxic to persons with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
Davina graduated in January 2008 from the Toward Excellence SE program.
Phone: 604-732-0902
Fax: 866-775-4211
Email: gfmnutrition@gmail.com
Website: www.gfm-nutrition.com
Read her listing in the directory.