2002 - 2003
Heather Stratton,
Stratton Office Solutions (SOS), Office Software Support & Training
Heather has been in business and the IT industry for many years. She moved to Vancouver ten years ago and was "downsized" by BC Gas in the last two years. She heard about the self-employment programs offered through Toward Excellence and started with the Design Your Future Program first and went on to the SE Program. Heather knew it would give her the tools and support she needed to get her own small business going here in Vancouver.
Heather's mission is " Bringing a Human Touch to Your Technology." She does this one-on-one, helping her clients understand and use their own computers. With her business background, Heather can help you learn to better juggle the many hats most small business owners are wearing. She will show you what to do or - she will do it for you. Heather enjoys earning a living doing what she loves and she recommends this route for anyone who is near retirement, can't find a job but still wants to earn a living. Make that SOS call to Heather and she will be there to help you out.
Phone: 604-733-9456
Email: hstratton@telus.net
Read her listing in the directory. |