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Spirit Power Seminars
John Barazzuol, Owner/Author
John Barazzuol is a spiritual coach and author.
His published work, SPIRITPOWER helps you to learn how to access your spirit and use your authentic spirit power while living within the conditions of your chosen life style.
Spiritpower is written for all those who are interested in exploring the field of spirit; it specifically appeals to those who have already begun an active search for their spirit. It offers support, encouragement and direction to those who somehow got lost along the way, yet still have a need for a life in the spirit.
Spirit Journey Seminars
Spirit Journey is based on the instructions given in The Manual and is intended for those who prefer to take the journey within a group setting.
On this journey, you and your spirit travel toward each other, directly reconnect with each other, and restore your former strong and healthy relationship.
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Background – From Beggar Monk to Public Service
After leaving his career as a high school English teacher, John Barazzuol got a job on a Norwegian freighter and set off for a new life in Asia . After teaching English in Japan for a few years, he again set off for India to live the life of a saddhu, a beggar monk. However, on his way to India , in Kuala Lumpur , he received ordination as a Buddhist Monk and spent 20 years training his mind and body in various Asian monasteries. He trained in both the Theravada and Mahayana/Zen traditions. In his monastic life, he served as a disciple, teacher, preacher, writer, mediator and also found much time to help hundreds of people manage their life problems.
He left the monastery to take up the challenge of living a spiritual life in a money-based world. On returning to his hometown, Vancouver , he taught ESL (English as a Second Language). After going through extreme culture shock, he successfully adjusted to life in surreal world. Today his business is focused on service – integrating his spiritual tools in educating and training.
101 – 1184 Denman Street #626,
Vancouver, BC V6G 2M9
Phone: 604-669-4134
Fax: 604-669-3592